Szombaton ( okt 2-án ) Bécsben jártunk. A buszunk először Bruck-ban állt meg, ezen a kellemes pihenőhelyen.
We were in Vienna on last Saturday ( 2. October). First we stood in Bruck.
We were in Vienna on last Saturday ( 2. October). First we stood in Bruck.
Először a Schönbrunni Kastélyt néztük meg. Gyönyörű, ugye?
First we visit Schönbrunn Castle. It is wonderful, isn't it?
First we visit Schönbrunn Castle. It is wonderful, isn't it?
A kastély után sétáltunk a kastélykertben...
After the visiting of the castle, we walked in the castle garden...
After the visiting of the castle, we walked in the castle garden...
...megálltunk a kastély lépcsőjén: a nővérem, a keresztlányom és én.
...we stood on the stairs of the csatle: my elder sister, her daughter and me.
...we stood on the stairs of the csatle: my elder sister, her daughter and me.
... ahol láttuk Leonardo da Vinci híres festményének mozaik változatát.
...where we saw the mozaik of the famous painting of Leonardo da Vinci.
...where we saw the mozaik of the famous painting of Leonardo da Vinci.
Végül a kapucinusok Templomában jártunk Habsburg uralkodóink sírjánál. III. Károly sírja.
And at the end of the day we were in Kapucinus Temple to see the graves the Habsburg Kings and queens. you can see the grave of Charles III.
And at the end of the day we were in Kapucinus Temple to see the graves the Habsburg Kings and queens. you can see the grave of Charles III.
Ferenc József, Sissi és Rudolf.
Our favourite Queen Sissi, her husband Ferenc Jozsef and son, Rudolf.
Our favourite Queen Sissi, her husband Ferenc Jozsef and son, Rudolf.
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