A xszemesbolt a honlap megújulása alkalmából játékot hirdet. Érdemes ellátogatni hozzájuk. Keresztszemezők figyelem!!! Please, go to the cross stich webshop. You can buy fantastic patterns, threads and etc. And you can play and win wonderful things. Good luck!
Dear Judith, would you like to collect the award friendship off my blog, you can then pass it on to 6 of your friends. I hope all is well with you and your family, Kathleen cottonreel -----------------
Lovely scissors fob and I look forward to seeing Mary Poppins finished. x
VálaszTörlésThank you, Cal, I will begin to make it soon.
VálaszTörlésHugs: Judit
Dear Judith, would you like to collect the award friendship off my blog, you can then pass it on to 6 of your friends. I hope all is well with you and your family, Kathleen cottonreel -----------------
VálaszTörlésHí, Kathleen, thank you for the friendship award. I'm very proud of your friendship.
VálaszTörlésYes, we are all well in my family.
Hugs: Judit