Elkészültem Gergő kesztyűjével is. Igaz, karácsonyi ajándéknak indult, de újévi lett belőle. :)
Az a fontos, hogy finom puha és meleg lett!
I finished Gregory's gloves. I wanted to finish them by Christmas, but I finished them by new year! :) They are soft, and warm.
Mit gondoltok?
Crocheting and me? It is a funny idea. But my friend, Zsuzs gave me a crocheted pearl christmas tree for Christmas. I love it very much! I decided to learn how to make this pearl tree. Last Thursday I went to Zsuzsa to learn crochet. And I made three of them. What do you think?
Judit I love these little pieces of crochet . I like doing crochet and have been doing round the sides of pillowcases as presents with white on white embroidery . You have done very well--cottonreel
VálaszTörlésMég nem láttam:-)Szépek,finomak!
VálaszTörlésCsak nyugodtan horgolj szép takarót!:-)