Az elmúlt hétvégén egy csodaszép kastélyban jártunk. Simontornyán voltunk a Fried Kastélyszállóban.
Last weekend we were in Fried Castle Hotel. It is such a wonderful place!
Last weekend we were in Fried Castle Hotel. It is such a wonderful place!
When we entered our room, we saw this fantastic old-new telephone.
És a szoba is nagyon kényelmes volt...
And the room was very comfotrable...
And the room was very comfotrable...
Még aznap este elsétáltunk a simontornyai várhoz...
We walked to the Castle of Simontornya that evening...
We walked to the Castle of Simontornya that evening...
Később természetesen be is mentünk és végigjártuk a várat. :)
Later we entered the castle. :)
Later we entered the castle. :)
Másnap délelőtt ( szombaton) átmentünk Ozorára. Most először jártunk Ozorai Pipo várában.
Next morning ( on Saturday) we went to Ozora. We were first in Ozora, castle of Ozorai Pipo.
Csodás reneszánsz kastély. A hálószobában Ez a szép falikárpit fogadott bennünket. Rögtön eszembe jutott róla A hölgy és az egyszarvú című regény. Olvastátok? Mindenkinek ajánlom. :)
It is a wonderful Renaissance castle. In the bedroom we saw this beautiful tapestry. It occured to me my favourite novel immediately, The Lady and the Unicorn by Tracy Chevalier. Have you read it? Read it!
És ez a reneszánsz konyha Ozorán.
And it is the kitchen in Ozora.
And it is the kitchen in Ozora.
A kastély mellett láthatjuk a II. világháborús emlékművet.
Next to the Castle we could see the memorial place of world war II.
Next to the Castle we could see the memorial place of world war II.
Pálinka és borkóstolás, majd egy termetes kemencében sült csülök várt bennünket az ozorai kirándulás után. Le sem tagadhatnám... :)
In that afternoon we were in the wine-cellars of the Fried Castle and drank some kind of brandy and wine. They were very delicious! :)
In that afternoon we were in the wine-cellars of the Fried Castle and drank some kind of brandy and wine. They were very delicious! :)
A szállóban mindenütt kézzel faragott bútorok. Valami gyönyörűség!
In the hotel there are a lot of hand made furniture, in all rooms, in the restaurant and the hall too.
In the hotel there are a lot of hand made furniture, in all rooms, in the restaurant and the hall too.
jó leírás, szép képek, szeretnék én is eljutni oda :)